Omaha Steaks as Seen on Tv With 4 Extra Beef Patties

Surprised Actress with Oversized Sunglasses Shooting Movie Scene

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Have you ever thought it might be fun to be an extra for film or TV? Maybe wearing scrubs as a nurse in Casualty or dressed in period costume to portray a court lady in Victoria?

If you've got a flexible schedule and the right attitude, working as an extra — or 'supporting artist' (SA) as they're called these days — could be a fascinating way of raising some additional cash.

What's involved?

People of all ages and backgrounds can work as supporting artists. A lot of jobs just involve being part of the scenery, such as playing a passer-by or a cafe customer. But, sometimes the requirements are for someone from a particular ethnic group, or who has a particular hairstyle or skill-set – for example, an SA who can ride or play tennis.

For some shoots you might be asked to wear or bring clothes that fit the setting such as 'smart office wear' or 'evening dress suitable for gala dinner'. But if you're going to be playing a role that requires a uniform or a period costume then that should be provided.

Although a lot of SA work is based in London and the South East, there are opportunities throughout the UK. When you register with a casting agency, you'll be assigned to a region and contacted when jobs in your area become available.

How do I get started?

To land a part as an SA, you'll need to register with a reputable casting agency such as Casting Collective or Mad Dog 2020 . This involves filling in an online form, providing your details and measurements and uploading some photos.

If you're suitable, you may be called in for additional photos and a more detailed registration process. You won't be required to pay for any photos, and any agency that asks for payment upfront isn't to be trusted. Reputable agencies usually take a registration fee (between £40-70) from your first pay packet and 15% commission on all bookings.

Woman with film clapper on white background

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How much can I earn?

Supporting artists certainly don't earn Hollywood-level big bucks. A standard 9-hour day rate for Casting Collective is £90.87 but the agency's 15% commission will be deducted from this. However, you may occasionally be paid extra. You'll earn an additional £25 if you land a role that requires swimming, driving, saying a line or two — or using firearms! For more details of fees, check out Casting Collective rates of pay

You'll need to be prepared to hang around on set a lot, but there's usually a comfortable area where you can read or chat when you're not actively working. On-set catering is often provided – if it's not, you may be offered a meal allowance of around £5. Some agencies will also contribute towards your travel costs.

Supporting artists are classified as self-employed and must register as such with HMRC. More advice can be found here.

What's the secret to being a successful SA?

Being an extra may not be a full-time career, but you can make a good amount of money if you're offered roles regularly. Plus, it's a great opportunity to try something new. To boost your chances of success, follow these top tips...

  • Be reliable... Planning a shoot is a hugely complex business and it's important to respond quickly to any queries, be punctual, and take direction on set.
  • Be tough... There may be times when you'll have to wear summery clothes for an outdoor scene shot in March, or don an itchy wig when playing an Elizabethan lady.
  • Be discreet... Shoots are confidential, so don't post details on social media. And don't even think about asking the film of TV star you're working alongside for a selfie!

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