Modern chicken coop

Even though chickens make a very benefic pet, not a lot of people would consider having them. Here's something that might make y'all alter your mind. It's called The Nogg and it was designed by furniture designer and engineer Matthew Hayward and Creative Director Nadia Turan.

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It's shaped like an egg and information technology was design to house 2 to 4 chickens. Information technology is also appropriate for both rural and urban environment. It's a nice way of encouraging domestic farming by calculation an elegant and modern touch to the bones chicken coop. When you see information technology, it makes y'all think: which 1 was first? The chicken or the egg?

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This fun structure was designed engineered and handcrafted in the UK using strong cedar wood and stainless steel for the doors. This makes it both resistant and aesthetically pleasant, as well every bit safe for the chickens.

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The nnovative drinking glass meridian twists and lifts to add ventilation and it is just one of the details that brand the Nogg such and interesting structure with a contemporary creative impact. And information technology is also easy to clean because of the removable base tray inside.Make your chickens happy. Who knows, maybe they'll requite y'all more than eggs.


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